Before this sessions, I’m be uncertain
between few development proposal include restaurant, office and student accommodation.
I’m confusing although I had done comparison of these proposal, after this
seminar, I found out that two useful method which SWOT and PESTLE analysis. After i had go through these analysis, I’m choosing budget hotel as my proposal due
to the high possibility of maximize the potential for Matilda Street site and sustainable
I understand that a good market analysis
and development appraisal will definitely help out in deciding whether a type
of development chosen is viable.I found that, the Matilda Street project
is free from political problems. However, the social and environmental factors
highly influence the demand of the customers toward the product supplied from
my project development. So, a proposal strategy should be encouraged in this
I have practised SWOT analysis in the seminar with my groupmate.
Figure 1:SWOT analysis for mix-development.
Thanks for your information